Cocktail recipe: Frozen boozy drinks | Pink peppercorn strawberry margarita | Turmeric gin fizz

Cocktail recipe: Frozen boozy drinks | Pink peppercorn strawberry margarita | Turmeric gin fizz

Frozen Pink Peppercorn Strawberry Margarita

 Strawberry syrup

2 cups fresh strawberries, stemmed and quartered 
3 T sugar
¾ cup water

Pink Peppercorn Strawberry Margarita

1 oz strawberry syrup
5 oz pink peppercorn lemon spice soda 
1 oz tequila 
1 cup crushed ice

For the strawberry syrup: combine strawberries, water, and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer and mash the berries. Turn off the heat and let sit for 15 minutes. Strain, and store in the fridge to cool.

For the margarita: combine Pink Peppercorn Lemon Spice Soda, strawberry syrup, tequila and ice in a blender. Blend until desired consistency. Serve. 


Frozen Turmeric Gin Fizz 

1.5 oz gin
4 oz turmeric honeybush spice soda
0.5 oz honey simple syrup
1 cup crushed ice 

Combine Turmeric Honeybush Spice Soda, gin, honey, and ice in a blender. Blend until desired consistency. Serve.