Rose is My Name Black Tea Sachets

Rose is My Name Black Tea Sachets

An aromatic blend of whole leaf Assam tea paired with equitably sourced cardamom and rose petals.

Amber Assam | Upper Assam, India | Chota Tingrai Estate

This women-run tea estate prioritizes sustainable growing methods and the welfare of the local tea growing communities

Cardamom | Trinidad, Santa Bárbara, Honduras | Don Jesus 

Grown by a single farmer, Don Jesus in Trinidad, Santa Bárbara, Honduras. This year we’ve committed to purchasing the majority of his cardamom crop, which ensures equitable revenue for the farm 

Rose Petal | Tamil Nadu, India 

From Tamil Nadu, India where it is grown regeneratively and without pesticides. The producers use a solar powered dehydration system to help the petals retain their deep coloring and lock in their renowned fragrance.

12 sachets


12 Sachets

Cold Brew Tea Recipes

Cold Brew Tea Recipes

Cold brew your teas and never look back. Why we recommend it: cold brewing extracts flavor while leaving any bitterness or astringency behind. And, it's the easiest thing on the planet.
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