Nicaraguan Ginger

Dona is proud to partner with Doselva, a Nicaraguan-based spice exporting company that works to combat rural poverty and climate change within the spice industry.
Ginger farmer in Nicaragua
  • It's more than just ginger. Through Doselva, we responsibly source ginger, turmeric, whole hibiscus flowers & lemongrass. At the heart of Doselva are smallholder farmers. Doselva helps these smallholder farmers reach the marketplace by providing resources, financing and ensuring income through contract growing. The raw material is then processed for export in Granada, Nicaragua.

  • As coffee growing in Nicaragua is negatively impacted by climate change, crops like turmeric and ginger have provided farmers–who otherwise rely exclusively on coffee–with options, thereby becoming more resilient by diversifying their income.

  • Restoring harmony between the land & the people. In order to combat climate change, each farm practices agroforestry--a system in which trees are intentionally planted alongside crops in order to diversify the ecosystem and benefit the environment. With soaring rates of deforestation, agroforestry becomes essential. Mission driven. We value the work that Doselva is doing with their partner farmers and the relationships that they are building to make a difference.

  • By partnering with Doselva, we are able to source the best quality spices & botanicals and keep up our commitment towards procuring from local, agricultural and sustainable ecosystems.

Ginger from Nicaragua